After our visits to Colegio Sagrada Familia last week, some of the students wrote feedback for us about their experience. You can read about the …
Bracelet Moments

A truly inspiring – and helpful – experience
Last week, Bracelets and Peace had the most inspiring experience at Colegio Sagrada Familia. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Dasha, Sofia and Anne headed to …
Sunderland for Ukraine bracelet-making
Three times a week, Sunderland for Ukraine hold meet-ups at Hope Vineyard Church in Sunderland, UK. Anna Duchenko and Anne Robinson were both over in …
A very special bracelet moment – at last!
At last, some very special bracelets, made with lots of love and care, have reached their destination! Back in April, we published a post about …

Bracelets and Peace at the Knightsbridge Conference in Porto
On Saturday, 17th September, Anne Robinson was invited to speak at the Knightsbridge ELT Conference in Porto. Teachers and school directors from the north of …

Bracelets and Peace helps Ukrainian families in Melgaço.
Here I am again, as a proud member of Bracelets and Peace , to tell you that we were able to donate the money raised to three Ukrainian families …

Bracelets and Peace at Golf Santa Marina Family
On Saturday, 20th August, the Santa Marina Family tournament took place. Sixty-six grown-ups and youngsters (7-17) paired up to play twelve holes of the course …

Bracelets and Peace at the Feria de Naciones
From August 13th till September 4th, Bracelets and Peace will be helping at the Ukraine stand at the Feria de Naciones, Santander. The fair takes …

Bracelets and Peace at Santa Casa da Misericórdia
As a proud member of Bracelets and Peace , I am always looking for opportunities to take our actions further and help the Ukranian refugee …
Making twined friendship bracelets together
Yesterday afternoon, a fun, fruitful session of making twined friendship bracelets was held in Santander, Spain. Louise, Joanna and Anne headed to meet up with …