After our visits to Colegio Sagrada Familia last week, some of the students wrote feedback for us about their experience. You can read about the …

The next stage of the Bracelets and Peace project
The exciting moment has arrived for us – sharing our plans for the next stage of the Bracelets and Peace project! As we shared in …
Huge progress with our Vinnytsia basement!
Back in October, we shared a post about our project to help Vinnytsia Primary School 25 furnish their basement. In order to get back to …

DNA Spiral Bracelet
Our friend Ana Herchuk, from Yes Institute in Portugal has once again done a wonderful job and shared her tutorial to make DNA Spiral Bracelets! …
Blankets arrive in Vinnytsia!
Less than a week ago, we published a post about blankets heading to Vinnytsia. Today, we are very pleased to announce that the blankets have …

First blankets on their way to Vinnytsia
Thanks to the generous donations of a group of wonderful people in Cantabria, Spain, Bracelets and Peace have managed to buy 20 very warm and …