Over the course of 2024, Bracelets and Peace has sent parcels every month (and most weeks) to different organisations in various locations in Ukraine.
Today, we sat down and worked out how many parcels and kilos we sent in the year 2024, and even we were absolutely amazed and overjoyed!
Thanks to our collections and fundraising, we were able to send the incredible number of 168 parcels in 2024!
Adding up to a total of 1635·58 kilos!!!!!!!
58 parcels to Shveina Rota in Dnipro, Sumy and Chervonograd
58 parcels were sent to Shveina Rota: mainly to Marina and Ksenia in Dnipro, but also to Sumy, and to Yunona in Chervonograd and to Ms Lyubov in Odesa. Inside the parcels were sheets, cotton T-shirts, jogger bottoms and hoodies, socks and underwear as well as toiletries and messages to help with patients’ recoveries.

47 parcels to Doria, in Brody

We sent a total of 47 parcels to Doria in Brody for the displaced families there. In June, we requested clothes for 30 children there and your response was so effective that we were able to send clothes and shoes for around 40 children in the end.
Special thanks to the families of Unica Idiomas for your fantastic response to this request. The children in Brody loved the clothes they received!
Doria are very active with crafts so we were also able to send stationery and art materials to Brody for the students to use.

40 parcels to Odesa
40 parcels left Cantabria for Odesa during 2024. Inside were clothes, shoes, toiletries, baby food and nappies.

19 parcels to Mukachevo
19 parcels were sent to Mariya in Mukachevo for the orphanages and displaced families. They weighed a total of 192 kilos! Inside, the parcels there were clothes, nappies, higiene products and other useful items.

All this would have been impossible without a chain of wonderful people.
- The individuals, schools and companies who donated;
- Anne‘s sorting, packing and driving skills;
- the wonderful Halyna Klevan and Katia at Tienda Katiusha;
- Asociación Nadiya for the help sending the parcels;
- the marvellous transport guys who make the weekly trip to the Ukraine border;
- Nova Posta within Ukraine,
- all the recipients at each destination who collect the parcel and distribute the contents as needed.
Thank you everyone in this wonderful chain of change makers and difference makers.