Meet, Doria, charitable organisation in Brody, Lviv

In this post, we’d like to introduce you to Doria, a charitable organisation based in Brody, near Lviv. Since June, we have been working with Doria to provide clothes for dozens of displaced families who have moved to the Brody area from dangerous areas of Ukraine.

We asked Yulia, who contacted us a few weeks ago, asking for our help with internally displaced families in Brody, Lviv district, to tell us about Doria.

“The idea of setting up Doria, a charitable organisation in Brody, Lviv, came from Nadia Trach. In 2016, Nadia founded the organisation.”

Nadia Trach, founder of Doria

“This beautiful lady gives all of herself to the activity of organisation. She was working as a teacher-philologist for a long time. Now she works with our kids.”

At first, Doria’s work focused on people living in challenging circumstances and people in need. But since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Doria’s role changed.

Doria started to work with kids in general and kids from inner displaced families. All kids were a bit emotionally exhausted, nervous and disappointed. They all heard the terrible news and the sounds of rockets and drones every day. So Doria’s psychologists started to work.

“The most difficult challenge was our cooperation with internally displaced people. They were very frightened and “closed.”

“After a time, all these people found a place to live and we created a studio. Here, we meet up with all the kids, we have English lessons, handicraft classes, cooking classes and others. In addition to conducting classes, we try to supply these people with food, hygiene, clothes, medicine and etc.”

“For example, here we organised a gingerbread painting master class.”

“We also cooparate with other public organisations such as Caritas Medical, who take care of adult and elderly internally displaced people. Together, we organised the literary evening and Easter egg painting. I think it is a wonderful idea because it brings joy for our kids and shows the respect for these elderly people. They feel that they are needed and that society hasn’t forgotten about them.”

“Doria has also organised some excursions. All these internally displaced children wanted to learn more about our city and its history. So, we visited our local museum.”

“Our internally displaced kids are from different cities: Kharkiv, Kherson, Lugansk, Donetsk. Some of them found dwellings in our city, Brody, some live in local villages. They are of different ages, from 6 to 17. And, they all are very kind, friendly and affectionate.”

At Doria, there is a whole team of wonderful individuals.

“Another Nadia works in the kindergarden and her love to kids is limitless. This pretty woman works as a psychologist and she usually organizes various master classes. She is very talented and creative. We love her very much.”


“Iryna is a psychologist at school. She has worked there for more then 20 years. So, she is very experienced and helps our kids to cope with all kinds of difficulties and solve their problems.”


“Lesia is a real craftswoman. She can make a masterpiece from simple things. She can draw, embroider, crochet, ,bind. Kids like to do such things and to develop their talent in such ways.”

“And last of all, me, Yulia. I am a teacher of English. I work at a school, in the kindergarden, I like kids and like to teach them foreign languages. And I like to see the result. Also I am an intermediary between international sponsors and “Doria”. I try to find help for these kids and their families abroad.”

“Maybe, that’s all for now. We have many plans but they all require time, efforts and of course money. But we are very thankful to all people who help us. Because without them our “Doria” won’t exist. A great “thanks” to you Anne, your project “Bracelets and Peace” and to all the people who help, especially Halyna Klevan.”

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