Preparing a study room for Barvinok Orphanage

When we received a request from Barvinok Orphanage for help with creating a study room for the children there, we just knew that we had to help.

Students were studying in the corridor, sitting against the wall, on broken chairs. With only three desks in terrible condition.

There was a room available in the orphanage, but it was pretty sad and used as a storeroom. It had not been decorated for 20 years. The windows were draughty.

Mariya Pleskanka and the Director of Barvinok worked together to decide what was needed.

We just had to make the changes!

And, thanks to a wonderful group of people, members of Golf Santa Marina, along with the support of some local businesses in Cantabria, Spain, the room now looks and feels very different! You can see the photos of the day we received 1,300 euros from the Amen Corner at Golf Santa Marina in this post.

First, the room was painted. The walls were kept more or less the same colour. The lighting was replaced and the ceiling painted. The gaps around the windows were filled.

Next, tables and chairs were purchased. What a difference!

We are so pleased and proud to have been able to help with this study room. It would not have been possible without the generous help of wonderful people in Cantabria, Spain.

We, and the students who live in the Barvinok Orphanage are immensely grateful to Golf Santa Marina.

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