Amazing fundraising at Colegio Verdemar!

Back in March, we wrote about our visit to Colegio Verdemar. We explained Bracelets and Peace’s project and activities and how we are helping schools and orphanages across in Ukraine.

The students from 2º ESO told us about their plans to raise money for different valuable causes to make a difference in society. They told us about the different things they were making:- bracelets, heat pads, selling second-hand clothes, etc.

On June 20th, Natalia and Anne were invited to go back to Colegio Verdemar to collect the money that teachers at the school had raised by selling cakes and other things to eat. We were very honoured that the Verdemar teachers had chosen Bracelets and Peace to donate the money they raised at their market in Torrelavega and the fundraising day at school.

The event began with each group of students sharing their stories and announcing how much money they had raised for different local and international organisations. We were in very special company, including Patas: a Cantabrian animal protection agency, EcoTierruca: a local food bank, Buscando Sonrisas: a group of people who help to make vulnerable and poorly people’s lives a little better.

When our turn came to go up to the stage and collect our funds, neither Natalia nor Anne could move for quite some time. We were absolutely overwhelmed with joy by the amount that Bracelets and Peace had been given; 2,200 Euros!

As you can imagine, this fantastic amount will allow us to achieve many things – equip safety rooms, and send funds to the orphanages every month so that they can buy medicines and nappies and food.

We will remember this special day for the rest of our lives. Colegio Verdemar – your actions and attitude are a true example to us all. We cannot thank you enough!

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  1. […] day after our visit to Colegio Verdemar to collect the incredible amount of money they had raised to help Bracelets and Peace, Natalia and […]

  2. […] money raised by Colegio Verdemar at their fairs and race, Colégio Efanor and Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer, the contents for these safety […]

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