Blankets arrive in Vinnytsia!

Less than a week ago, we published a post about blankets heading to Vinnytsia. Today, we are very pleased to announce that the blankets have reached their destination!

Hace menos de una semana, publicamos un post sobre el envío de mantas a Vinnytsia.

Twenty very cosy blankets which will come in very handy in view of the weather (it’s snowing in Vinnytsia today as I write this post, as Anna Duchenko’s photo shows!

20 mantas muy calentitas y necesarias, visto el tiempo en Vinnytsia hoy! La foto de Anna Duchenko lo demuestra!

Snowy Vinnytsia today!

Once again, thanks to all of you who made this possible. These actions are so important!!!

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1 Comment

  1. […] and chairs were brought down from classrooms. Thanks to donations, we were able to send a number of blankets too (they will need many more of these still) and also some games for physical education and for […]

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